1-1 Rapid Soulgasm Intensive

Are you a coach who wants to experience a Soulgasmas soon as possible?

And be able to tap into that any time you want?

If so, then embark upon your own one-on-one
Higher Self Adventure with David!

An inner journey into discovering just how much Love, Passion and Aliveness you can feel!

Are you burnt out?

Seldom have time to replenish yourself?

Do you feel disconnected to from your Soul?

Symptoms of this can include living in perpetual unhappiness, despite your success.

Feeling lonely.  Powerless. Guilty/shameful. Depressed.


Or an overall feeling that your life lacks deep meaning, and there must be some way to have genuine Happiness.

You might chase true Happiness, waiting for this or that happens.

Telling yourself ‘Then I’ll be happy’.  But it never really comes.

Maybe you live in secret misery, putting on a façade of happiness because you might believe ‘who am I to complain, I have a pretty good life.’ You can spend your entire life doing this if you’re not aware of it.

And if you are, you still may not be able to solve it on your own…or you would have by now, right?

You may need a Soul Awakening

Which is feeling your Soul like you never have before. It’s more like you awaken to what’s always been there…YOU as Soul. Eternal. Pure Love. Powerful. Abundant…and much more!

I know the pain of being disconnected from my Source.

And the hidden shame and guilt of self-destructive behaviors. The silent inner misery of just wanting to be happy, free and fulfilled. What brought me through all of that is my obsessive passion to be able to connect with my Soul anytime I wanted.

But I didn’t have a ‘me for me’. I didn’t find anyone who did this work. Many had inspiring books and messages about living as Soul. But how to do it with concrete steps and processes eluded me. After many, many years of developing it, I can now connect with my Soul pretty much anytime I want.

I say ‘pretty much’ because when I’m having some negative emotions arise, I address and release them.

When you’re going through a crazy hard emotion, it’s not exactly the time to connect and feel good, there is other work at hand. The feeling good comes after the process.

You don’t have to do this alone. You can save a LOT of time, money and effort using what I have spent decades developing and receiving Divine guidance about. I was born to help you awaken to who you are. I’m blessed to know and live my purpose. With all of my heart I want you to have a ‘Soulgasm’ for yourself. And be able to tap into that when you want. I will do my 100% best to guide, support and teach you how to do this.

Because my work is largely Divinely guided, there are simply, quick and easy to use techniques that can provide results right away. This is great because we all know how busy our lives are. In fact, it’s one of the very things that make this feasible and possible for many clients who don’t have a lot of time. That said, you still need to make some time to get those faster results. About 1 hour a week.


And I can tell you with 1000% confidence, you will experience a Soulgasm sooner or later. I can only say this because it’s who you already are! The rewards of this far outweigh the investment of time, money and effort. I like to say you give a bucket full of effort, and you get the ocean in return! It’s truly priceless to feel your Soul’s Love. Imagine being able to do that when you want!

During this 6 month one on one ‘Rapid Soulgasm’ course you will also learn how to use your Soul’s Power to solve any challenges or problems you have. This could include health issues, money problems (including feeling guilty/shameful over having a lot of it, or not enough), relationship issues, life purpose challenges, and anything else that you wish to transform.

You Higher Self is all powerful. It can bend the laws of this physical reality. That’s why miraculous healings in health can happen. Emotional trauma released. And arrange people and circumstances to line up in a way that could never be orchestrated by our limited ego selves. You have probably had synchronistic events happen that made you realize there is a Higher Power at work. And that Power is always wanting the best for you, in every area of your life. The real question is, why are you blocking or resisting it? We dive into releasing that too.

You might be one of the many people looking for deep meaning and Happiness.

In an article from June, 2022, PR Newswire reported:

“88% of people are looking for new experiences to make the smile and laugh. People are prioritizing health (80%) personal connections (79%)” and new experiences (53%) to gain happiness.”

Furthermore, it reports:

“More than half (53%) wish money could buy them happiness, with 78% willing to pay a premium for true happiness.”

When I read this, I was astounded. Why? Because I realized you can buy Happiness. Here’s what I mean by that. If you invest in your Soul, and experiencing what I call ‘Soul Powered Happiness’, you do invest your money to achieve Happiness. Of course this isn’t like going to a store and buying it instantly.

But Higher Self Adventures offers ‘Soul Powered Happiness’. By feeling your Soul’s Love, it gives you Happiness from within. And Love, Joy, Peace, and Abundance too!
If you invest in this intensive, you also can attend one of the live retreats within a year of joining. See ‘Retreats’. $3,333 value. (Airfare not included)

If you’re serious about investing in your Soul, apply below. From there, you will have a Zoom call with David to see if you’re a good fit together for this journey.
Your life can be a rich, rewarding and Soulgasmic adventure! There is an entire world inside you, full of Love, Joy, Passion, and Abundance is all forms. Not to experience this is like going through life without ever having an orgasm…missing out on something wonderful. Except I dare say, a Soulgasm is way better!! Why not have both?!

If you’re ready to embark on your own Higher Self Adventure, to discover who you are in the deepest sense, apply now.
Developed by Next Step Team.
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