Are you burnt out?
Seldom have time to replenish yourself?
Do you feel disconnected to from your Soul?
Symptoms of this can include living in perpetual unhappiness, despite your success.
Feeling lonely. Powerless. Guilty/shameful. Depressed.
Or an overall feeling that your life lacks deep meaning, and there must be some way to have genuine Happiness.
You might chase true Happiness, waiting for this or that happens.
Telling yourself ‘Then I’ll be happy’. But it never really comes.
Maybe you live in secret misery, putting on a façade of happiness because you might believe ‘who am I to complain, I have a pretty good life.’ You can spend your entire life doing this if you’re not aware of it.
And if you are, you still may not be able to solve it on your own…or you would have by now, right?